Basado en un cuento Tsotsil de tradición oral
Lengua: Tsotsil, Chiapas

Locución y Traducción Agustín Sántiz Sántiz
Ilustración Santiago Solís y Abril Castillo
Producción COMBO
Dirección Creativa Gabriela Badillo
Animación Erika Corona, Gabriela Badillo
Música Igor Figueroa
Diseño de Audio Wetback Audio / Igor Figueroa

Versión Tojolabal
Stsob sbaik Jsibtasvanejetik
Vo’nexa ta-jmek, teyta yolom jtek’ muk’tate’,stsobsba stekelik buch’u sna’ sibtasvanike sventa sva’naik ya jpresidente-ik.
Ti buch’u va’al xkomne stsotsme xch’ulel sk’an sveta stsibtasan stekel ti jente-etike. Vo’onchikom xita anil li Jti’vaneje, stek’olanxa ta-anil yakan. Laj xtokne, vo’on chikom xili Jnatikil jole, yu’un vo’on to J-alak’jbaxi la jyal; k’opoj ta anil li Sombreron xtokne yu’unme sna’oj k’alaluk mi taet ta ilel stuke chamem ta xi’el xkom yu’un stekel li vinketike. Tey xvochvunik-o ta xchapel, ja’ mu’yuk stik’ sba li Duende xkaltike yu’un sna’oj ti ja’mas stsots ta sibtasvane.
Tey x-al un-o ti jnatikil jole va’iun likik ta avanel skotolik “ vo’on chi kom ta presidente, vo’on chi kom ta presidente xi-ik”.
Va’iun li Jti’vanej xkaltike tey lik tsajubuk sibtaslok’el stekel li xchi’iltake.
Ja’jech muxabuy stsob-o sbaik.

English Version
The Meeting of the Scare-People 
A long time ago, underneath the Tree of Life, the professionals of fright had their annual meeting to select their president.
The chose one should had to have the noble spirit to scare men with no fear.
The first one to nominated himself was the Ram, showing of his strong paws. Followed by the Hairy Woman who wanted to be queen. Both were interrupted by the Big Hat who assured them all men turned pale, scared to death by his presence alone.
Everyone was arguing except for the Elf, the only one who kept calm.
The woman insisted on it and all of them started to shout: “I want to be president”.
The Ram, infuriated, scatter everyone and they never reunited again.
That’s how Tsotsiles tell it.
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